The mission of Heights Unlimited Community Resource Center (HU) is to support local folks in need by providing food, personal essentials, clothing, resources and programs. Our service area includes residents in the following ZIP codes: 53503 (Arena), 53515 (Black Earth), 53517 (Blue Mounds), 53528 (Cross Plains), 53560 (Mazomanie).
Your support and involvement make a difference!
You can give our neighbors in need a helping hand in 2025. Food donations have decreased significantly, but the number of clients has increased. Here’s how you can help:
Consider a monetary donation! Your dollars help us buy food and other necessities.
Organize a food drive.
Volunteer at the pantry or clothes closet. (Check out the Volunteer page for more info.)
Volunteers are needed to do an occasional food order pickup and delivery to HU from Madison’s west side. This will take very little time for someone already in Madison, but it’s so important in supporting our clients. Contact Brad Delwiche for more information.
“The help from Heights Unlimited has eased the stress of trying to figure out how we are going to pay our bills and feed ourselves.
Thank you.”
Donate via PayPal
Visit the Donate page
for more payment options.
Even the local Girl Scouts have pitched in to support our food-challenged neighbors.
Summer Lunch Program
Kids serving kids--caring doesn’t get much better than this!